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The Future is online…the need to have your business go viral 

You can’t speak about the future of business without mentioning the internet.

The internet has revolutionised:

  • How we communicate
  • Do business
  • Conduct our personal lives

Companies need to have an online presence and having a website is no longer enough.

It is time to get serious about your online marketing strategy! 

The rise of the internet and social media has created an environment where consumers are spending more time online. 

According to Nielsen’s 2017 Global Digital Consumer Report, people spend an average of 1 hour and 43 minutes daily on their mobile devices. 

That means they’re looking for:

  • information
  • products
  • services–and they can find all three on websites like yours! 

The key

Making sure your site is easy to navigate so that when customers come across it while searching online, they can easily find what they need without having to dig too far into your website structure or call customer service for help (which isn’t always convenient). 

People are now:

  • searching for information,
  • finding products and services,
  • comparing prices and
  • looking for recommendations. 

Research has shown that the consumer trust rating of a website can be as much as 30 times higher than any other form of advertising. 

Consumers trust websites more than any other form of advertising. 

This is because they can see the product or service for themselves, read reviews, compare prices, and determine if the company is reputable. Research has shown that consumers trust a company’s website 30 times more than any other form of advertising (including print ads). 

Consumers want to feel confident in their purchase decisions and know what they are buying before they buy it. Businesses need to ensure their online presence is strong enough to gain customer loyalty through social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter. 

If you create an ad that is funny or interesting people will want to pass it on, or you can produce an innovative and exciting product that people will share with others. 

Viral marketing

Innovative products like the iPhone have gone viral in their own right and It is also possible for advertising campaigns to spread like wildfire through social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter. For example, Apple recently released its “Get a Mac” campaign starring John Hodgman and Justin Long. These ads were so successful at generating buzz online (and offline) that Microsoft had no choice but to respond with their version! 

The term “viral marketing” refers to a marketing technique that uses social networks to spread a message. Viral campaigns can be used for a multitude of purposes, including product launches, business promotion and even raising awareness for a cause or idea. 

The goal of going viral

Creating an online marketing campaign that will spread rapidly, the same way a virus spreads through human contact, by word-of-mouth recommendations. The key difference between these two viral types is that

  1. One causes physical harm over time (and can be fatal)
  2. The other takes hold instantly and affects every aspect of your life, both positively and negatively

Business owners need to understand why going viral is important and what steps they can take to make their business look like the next big thing! 

Why you need an online presence:

It’s 2023, and if your business isn’t online then it’s as good as dead in today’s world. Remember, we live in a time where people are constantly on their phones, computers and tablets; so if you want to reach out directly to your target audience then having an online presence is essential. 

How do I get my business online?:

You can either build a website or use a platform like Facebook or Instagram (which are both free). If you decide that building a website would be too costly for your budget then using one of these platforms will work just fine.

After all, most people who come across them will search for something specific before landing on any given page – meaning that even though there could be thousands upon thousands of other businesses trying hard at getting noticed by potential customers just like yourself, none of those others matter because none have been able to attract enough attention yet! 


The key to going viral is creating something that people want to share with others. This means that it needs to be interesting or funny enough so they want to tell their friends about it. It also needs to be useful enough so they feel they are getting something worthwhile out of sharing their experience with others. It can take time for your business idea or product idea to gain traction online but once it does there is no stopping what could potentially become an unstoppable force!