Terms of agreement between Turn Key Receptionist and subscribers to our Virtual Receptionist Service:

  1. These Terms and Conditions form part of the contract of service and when engaging with Turn Key Receptionist Pty Ltd as a client, you accept these terms.
  2. We reserve the right to add to, modify or amend these terms in line with reasonable commercial practices at any time without notice.
  3. Terms of payment are ‘Prepaid’ for all accounts unless a formal credit application has been submitted to, and approved by, Turnkey Receptionist.
  4. Credit card payments will be processed automatically on prepaid top up accounts where automatic payment has been selected. Please ensure your funds are available or a declined payment fee of 10 dollar will apply.
  5. Minimum credit card payment is $11.
  6. Any free credit or bonus credit offers are only valid to customers who provide valid credit card details and agree to automated account top up.
  7. We reserve the right to charge interest at a rate of 5 percent of total debt per month for outstanding accounts. Where overdue accounts followup is required, we may in addition bill an admin fee of $25. This will be added to your account at the discretion of management.
  8. Should the services of a collection agency or legal fees be required to recover outstanding arrears, all costs and liabilities of same will be added to the overdue account.
  9. In the event of zero balance or non payment, service will be suspended for outstanding accounts until payment has been received. We would typically attempt to contact you to seek payment prior to taking this action.
  10. We endeavor to give the best possible service, however in the unlikely event of technical problems with our service provider, systems failure, power failure, or other unforeseen event causing detriment to service, or failure to answer calls. no compensation will be granted.
  11. Should a call be missed, it will go to your customised voice mail to email service. Note that we do not provide answering for emergency services and while we endeavor to answer every call, we provide no guarantees.
  12. Should you no longer require this service, notice in writing must be provided. This may be in the form of an email, or letter; however it is your responsibility to confirm our receipt of this notification.
  13. While we are happy to deal with all nature of calls on your behalf, we will not allow abusive telephone behaviour from any persons towards our operators. In the event that we take calls from persons on your behalf, who are aggressive and rude, we will notify you immediately and expect that you will handle the situation to minimise stress to our operators.
  14. We endeavor to provide the best quality of service at all times. Should you have a problem with the way a call was handled, or the content of your messages, please address this via email to service@turnkeyreceptionist.com.au. Do not contact the operator directly with any grievances.
  15. Similarly, should you be particularly impressed with our service, please provide feedback via email to service@turnkeyreceptionist.com.au. We always welcome your praise and appreciation.
  16. The quality of our service to your callers is largely dependent on the information you provide. Please update your information via your portal log in or mobile app. It is your responsibility to keep us correctly informed.
  17. In the event of an incorrect phone number being provided by the receptionist, please submit the message received to: service@turnkeyreceptionist.com.au and we will endeavour to provide correct information. A $10 bonus credit will be added to your account for each incorrect number at management’s discretion.
  18. Turnkey Receptionist reserves the right to make changes to pricing and service packages at any time. All changes or increases will be notified in writing within 14 days.
  19. Our agents are recruited and trained by us to do the work required by you. All communication with our team is to be via agreed channels and kept at a professional level. Do not attempt to communicate with, or invite our team to connect with you or your associates outside of Turn Key Receptionist. Any attempt to engage, employ directly, discuss engagement terms, pay rates or lure our team to accept offers of contract or employment with your company directly will be dealt with as a breach of contract. Should you breach this condition causing us to lose a team member, you agree to compensate us to the amount of $25,000 per agent, payable 14 days from invoice date.
  20. Should you engage one of our team directly within 12 months of doing business with Turn Key Receptionist Pty Ltd, you agree to pay $30,000 plus GST as an agency fee for the placement, payable 14 days from invoice date.
  21. (a) Subscriber agrees and acknowledges that Turnkey Receptionist shall not be liable for any claims of whatsoever kind or nature (including claims for negligence) that might arise directly or indirectly out of any act or omission, use or misuse of any of the services by the Subscriber or for anything else done or not done by Turnkey Receptionist. To the extent this clause fails to fully and completely exclude any claim and/or to the extent any third party might make any claim against Turnkey Receptionist in any way related to the Subscriber’s use or misuse of the Services or anything done or not done for the Subscriber by Turnkey Receptionist then the Subscriber hereby indemnifies Turnkey Receptionist against any and all liabilities losses expenses and costs that might be suffered or incurred by Turnkey Receptionist as a direct or indirect consequence of any such claims being made.
  22. (b) Turnkey Receptionist hereby excludes all and any liabilities, costs, damages, losses or expenses of whatsoever kind or nature which may be claimed by Subscriber or any third party against Turnkey Receptionist including claims for negligence in relation to any matter whatsoever arising from this Agreement.
  23. This Agreement will be governed by and construed pursuant to the laws of New South Wales, Australia and the parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of New South Wales Australia in connection with any dispute relating to this Agreement..

Refunds and Returns Policy

  1. Our service is PRE-PAID.
  2. In order to be eligible for bonus credit or special offers, you will need to submit your credit card for automated account top up.
  3. Any unused credit, less any bonus credit, will be refunded within 30 days of cancellation of services.
  4. Where our services have caused damages, or failed to meet your expectations of service, or has been unavailable during contracted hours of service due to technical faults or other unforeseen circumstances, no liabilities for damages will be granted.

Privacy Policy

We collect information about you and your business for the purpose of providing our services to you. Information we collect may relate to your business contact details, staff, gender, payment and banking information, location, products and services, pricing, advertising and other relevant information provided by you and your staff.

We gather your information so that we can:

  • Contact you
  • Provide accurate information to your callers about your business and staff
  • Administer our services
  • Collect payment for our services
  • Update you to changes, updates or special offers we may have

The information we collect is not shared with third parties and may only be made public to callers requesting information about your business where you have selected “public” in relation to that information, or where the information is otherwise publicly available.

We keep your information secure by:

  • Training and educating our staff on their obligations with regard to your information
  • Including written confidentiality agreements in our employment contracts
  • Ensuring maximum security on our online systems including firewalls and virus scanning to prevent hacking.
  • Destroying data no longer required.

Turn Key Receptionist is committed to the security of your services data, and we are committed to reducing risks of human error, theft, fraud, and misuse of Turn Key Receptionist facilities.

If you have any concern about your privacy, you have a right to make a complaint, and we will do everything we can to put matters right. To lodge a complaint please get in touch with us directly. We will acknowledge every complaint we receive and keep you updated on the process.

You can contact our office at any time on 02 8069 9111 or email service@turnkeyreceptionist.com.au