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Transforming Virtual Events with Expert Virtual Receptionist Support

Turnkey Receptionists a force in Virtual events   

I have dubbed myself as a “loudmouth introvert” Yes, I like talking to people, I love personal interaction, I thrive on helping people. I love attending concerts and workshops. Learning new things like hobbies and generally getting to know people.  
However, I detest getting out of my comfort zone to do the things that most people love doing in crowds. I am such a creature of comfort.  
While some people dislike the virtual side of things, I absolutely love it, virtual webinars are my go-to when I want to learn things. Who wants to venture outside in Winter, bundled up to look like a polar bear and freeze my tush off. No thanks I would much rather sit in my comfortable warm home office and enjoy the Webinar without the rowdiness, push and shove and cold.  
I am obviously on the right career path. I have become quite adapt at putting together a virtual event and I am happy to guide you in the right direction.  
As technology continues to advance, virtual events continue to rise in popularity. One primary use of virtual events is increased convenience. A survey from the virtual event platform vFairs, reports 77.2% of virtual event attendees prefer online events because of how easy they are to join. Survey respondents also report enjoying the global reach of virtual events as well as the low cost and networking aspect. 

I am a brilliant receptionist, and I love working for Turnkey Receptionists.  
Virtual events are here to stay, but how do you host and plan a virtual event? Whether you’re planning a small, virtual happy hour for coworkers or a multiday global conference, there are a few tips you should follow to ensure your event runs smoothly. 

Deciding on the type of event you will run helps you set an agenda and goals and allows your guests to know what they are in for.  

Different types of events include: 

  • Networking events: Networking events are social in nature since the primary goal is to encourage interaction. Networking events draw in working professionals who are interested in expanding their professional connections. 
  • Team-building events: Team-building events are excellent for companies that are looking to boost employee morale and improve the work culture. This type of event lets coworkers interact after work hours from the comfort of their own homes. 
  • Fundraising events: Hosting a virtual fundraising event allows you to reach more people. People from anywhere can join your event to donate to your cause. 
  • Hiring events: Virtual hiring events are a great way to narrow down your applicant pool. Hosting a virtual hiring event instead of an in-person event allows you to meet applicants who are not currently in the area but are willing to relocate. 
  • Shopping events: If you’re looking to sell products, a live stream is a fantastic way to interact with potential customers and answer any questions they may have. A virtual shopping event gives viewers an in-person shopping experience from home. 
  • Educational events: Educational events aim to teach or raise awareness. Virtual lectures or panel discussions may bring in students, working professionals from the field or those who are simply interested in the topic. 
  • Social events: While types of social events were mentioned above, some events have no extra motivation other than bringing people together.  
  • Conference events: Virtual conference events tend to be larger-scale events that can last multiple days. Conference events typically have a wider audience reach as the event topics are relevant to a diverse group of people. 

Once you decide what type of event you plan to host, you can work out your goals. Is there a certain amount of money you’re looking to raise? Are you trying to reach a certain number of attendees? Defining your goals will help determine your marketing efforts and the design of your program. 

People are very conscious of how they spend their free time. You must make people want to attend your event by showing them its value. Once you get people to your event, you also want to make sure they are active and engaged. 

Host an event that is useful to the audience and relevant to their needs. What is relevant and useful will vary depending on your target audience and the type of program you are running. However, a good place to start is to look at any current programs or discussions that are relevant to your event.

If you have trouble answering those questions, potential guests will also see the lack of value your event will bring to them. When people look at your event advertisement or description, they should see why your event is worth attending. 


Your event needs to be relevant and valuable. However, your event also needs to be unique. There’s a good chance someone else may be running a program like yours, so why should people attend your event instead of competitors? 

Think of ways to improve attendee experience for virtual events. One way to do this is through takeaways. For shopping events, consider giving every attendee a discount code for their next purchase. For educational events, provide attendees with copies of the presentation or additional learning materials. 


With the rise of virtual events, there are now endless options for virtual event platforms. When choosing an event platform, consider which features would be beneficial to your audience. Will you need polling features or the ability to break people into small groups? What about subtitles or chatting features? Take your time learning what each platform has to offer before picking one. 

Also, consider what is accessible and appealing to your audience. If you’re aiming to reach teenagers and young adults, you may have to meet them where they are. Younger audiences may not be willing to download a new app. However, if you host a live event on social media, they may feel more inclined to join. 


While virtual events give people the convenience of joining in from anywhere, it’s still important to consider the date and time of your event. When choosing a date, be conscious of any holidays or other factors that would make a date less than ideal for potential guests. 

If you’re hosting an international event, remember to also consider other cultures’ holidays and events. Additionally, when hosting an event that is open to people in different time zones, consider how early or late the program will start in different time zones. It’s rare that you will be able to please everybody, but your efforts to make the program accessible to the majority are essential. 


You want your event to last long enough to be worthwhile to attendees, but you don’t want your program to drag on. As mentioned earlier, people are very conscious of how they spend their time, and an excessively long event may turn people away.  


Getting attendees involved is a solid tip for hosting a virtual event. Interactive elements like polls, question-and-answer sessions and icebreaker activities help keep guests attentive and engaged. Interactive elements also help attendees feel more comfortable and included in the event. Encouraging interaction also helps make guests feel valued and that their presence is acknowledged and appreciated. After all, your event would mean nothing if people did not choose to show up. 

Examples of interactive elements may include the following: 

  • Breakout rooms or small group sessions 
  • Icebreaker activities 
  • Q&A sessions 
  • Polls 
  • Quizzes 
  • Games 


Feedback is essential for any event, including virtual programming. Post-event surveys give insight into the attendee’s experience. Attendee satisfaction is one of the best ways to identify a successful event. This feedback also helps you plan even more successful events in the future. 

Potential survey questions include: 

  • How valuable was this event to you? 
  • How likely are you to attend another one of our events? 
  • What type of event or topic would you like to see next? 
  • Do you have any suggestions for improvement? 


When it comes to hosting a successful virtual event, our team has you covered. Regardless of your event size or complexity, our experts are passionate about providing you with back up. We can take on tasks such as phoning to register attendees, confirming attendances prior to the event, and following up after the event. We can also answer calls pertaining to the event so your event has a professional feel and first class customer support.