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The Importance of having a balanced work and private life 

The Importance of having a balanced work and private life 

Let us first understand what it means to have balance in our work and home life. To have balance in these aspects of life doesn’t mean a perfectly even split. There must be a healthy divide between work and home life so one doesn’t negatively impact the other. There needs to be a coexisting balance where the individual can function and perform well both at work and at home because the moment one side is neglected it shows the negative fallout into the opposite areas of life.

For example, if you go out all night and sleep late, you will struggle the next day at work with keeping a focus on tasks and your performance will drop. 

Maintaining balance for Productivity and Performance:

 Keeping a healthy balance is important in maintaining the daily cycle of work and home life because the moment there is an imbalance it will have a negative ripple effect that will work its way back around the cycle from where it started. If a Turnkey Receptionists employee doesn’t sleep well before the workday starts, then it will impact the number of calls they take as well as the quality of those calls. Not only is this bad for the company image, but it will also negatively impact the caller’s experience and that is communicated back to the Turnkey client. This is how the ripple effect comes into play and negatively impacts not only your work but the company and the clients calling in as well. This will spill over into your personal life because you’ve had a bad day at work which will plague your mind and not let your mind get the rest it needs. You may also forget to eat properly or neglect chores at home like washing up and preparing yourself for work the next day, which will repeat the vicious cycle all over again.  

Mental and Physical well-being: 

The priority you should place first is yourself. If you don’t take care of your mind and body, then trying to maintain balance anywhere else will be very difficult. Ensuring you sleep and eat properly next to both exercising and getting enough personal relaxation away from the stresses of work and home life is key to maintaining a balance.  A fresh and clear mind is the best start to maintaining and running the constant cycle of work and private life balance. Everything is reliant on each other, to work hard you must rest well and maintain your personal needs such as socialising and getting out of the house now and then for some needed leisure time. Rest well to work hard!