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The Importance of Having an HTML Presence  

The Importance of Having an HTML Presence  

To understand the importance of anything we would have to first be able to comprehend the topic of what we are discussing. Therefore, what is an HTML presence? 

What is an HTML presence? 

An HTML presence is having an active space on the Internet in which users can search for information on you or your business. Being present with a website and having contact information listed on it also equates to an Internet or HTML presence.  

Why is having an online presence important? 

From a business point of view, the importance resides with giving potential customers and existing clients the ability to look for information on what services the business can provide them. The client can also get an idea of what a service will cost and a full variety of important information that can be found with a quick Google search. It is important for a company to have that pre-existing HTML presence to secure clients, because if someone is searching for a service you want that client to find your website in the search results which could secure their business and bring the company revenue.  

Your Business’s First Impression:

The company creates a first impression when a client first visits their website. If the website is professional and clear about what services, the company has to offer. That person is going to decide from there if they are going to be with that company. A website will help create a lot of first impressions that will attract easy business. Not only is it convenient for the user, but it is also beneficial for a company to have an online presence for easier operations for day-to-day business that would otherwise be difficult and limited without a website.  

Turnkey Receptionists has a website that gives clear and concise information on what we can do for potential clients. If we didn’t have a website, we wouldn’t be able to advertise our services country-wide and we would be limited to the areas we can reach. This would negatively impact our income and ability to get our amazing services advertised out there in the form of a quick internet search result. It is incredibly beneficial to have our name and information easily accessible to the public as it provides the opportunity for further growth and expansion as TKR has seen and continues to benefit from.